Thursday, March 5, 2020

Housekeeping Tips to Keep Your Home Sparkling

Housekeeping Tips to Keep Your Home Sparkling via Unsplash Create a Routine Cleaning routines are a great way to make sure that your housekeeping is top-notch. Your house will only stay clean if you are consistent with your chores. You would be surprised at how much dust can gather in just a couple of weeks. Designate a day of the week that you will spend time cleaning your apartment. It’s also useful to schedule a certain amount of time that you will spend cleaning. This will help you from getting distracted while cleaning. To stay organized, make a to-do list with the tasks you would like to accomplish. This will help you to stay on track and make sure that everything is done. Deep Cleaning vs. Daily Cleaning There are different levels and methods for housekeeping. It’s important to know the difference between a deep cleaning and a simple cleaning. A simple cleaning should be done once a week and involves straightening up, vacuuming, washing the bathrooms, and dusting. It involves a lot of surface cleaning. A deep cleaning consists of getting into the little crevices in your apartment that you may not think about. This includes dusting your blinds, washing baseboards and windows, and dusting out air vents and ceiling fans. A deep cleaning doesn’t have to happen very often; once a month would be ideal. Stock Up on Cleaning Supplies When it comes to housekeeping, you’ll need some supplies to make sure your home is truly sparkling. You should keep a cabinet or bin stocked with cleaning supplies like dusting spray, bathroom cleaner, glass cleaner, Swiffer pads, and whatever else you think you’ll need. If you want to save some money or are in a pickle when it comes to housekeeping day, there are some cleaning products that you can make with ingredients right from your kitchen. Glass Cleaner For mirrors, windows, and glass surfaces, simply mix vinegar and distilled water in a spray bottle. For a nice scent, add a few drops of essential oil to the mixture. Bathroom Cleaner If you need a quick bathroom cleaner, mix together one cup of vinegar, half a cup of baking soda and hot water and leave in the tub for five minutes. After that, add some more hot water and leave for another five minutes. Drain the tub and rinse. Fuzzy Socks If you’re out of dust rags and you need something quick, grab a pair of fuzzy socks and wipe down the surfaces. Simply throw the socks in the wash and they’ll look like new again. Get Rid of Foul Smells Have you ever walked into your kitchen and wondered what that awful smell was? It’s probably your trash can or the garbage disposal. Many people don’t think of cleaning these items out. If you do start to smell something foul, there are some home remedies to get rid of it. For a garbage disposal, simply throw half a lemon and some ice down it and turn it on. For a smelly trash can, you can make your own deodorizing disks to get rid of that nasty smell of old food. Set Daily Cleaning Goals Rather than waiting for the weekend to get your housekeeping chores done, set some daily cleaning goals for yourself. They can be simple such as making sure all of the dishes are done before you go to sleep and picking up your clothes off the floor every morning. Little tasks like this can really make a difference overall during your busy schedule. A good rule of thumb is that if it will only take a minute or two, don’t put it off. You’ll feel much better knowing it’s done rather than thinking about it all day. Do What You Can While keeping a clean house is important, it shouldn’t stress you out. Your parents probably taught you to keep your room clean and set standards for cleanliness. However, if you cannot keep up with their standards, set your own. Clean what you can and do not put pressure on yourself for your housekeeping habits. If you are too busy to clean, you’re probably too busy to think about decorating and furnishing your apartment as well. CORT Furniture Rental takes the stress out of making your home feel like home by bringing you all of the essentials for making your student housing feel comfortable with their furniture. Looking for an easy way to furnish your off-campus apartment? Renting furniture from CORT saves you time and money. See how easy it is to get great looking furniture without breaking the bank.

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